Hello Mr. Bufardeci,
Please forgive me for writing to you in English as I am an American and do not know Italian. I hope that you will be able to understand me or have my message translated. I found your blog online by accident while looking for relatives. My mother's family is Sicilian from Pachino. My grandfather's name was Luigi Di Pietro. His parents left Pachino in the late 19th century with their children. It was a very large family with many children. Most of them were born in Pachino but my grandfather was born in Tunis because the family spent a few years there before coming to the U.S. and Canada. I have done a lot of research on Ancestry.com and thanks to a contact with a friend in the government in Pachino, I was able to trace my Di Pietro genealogy back to the 1700s in Pachino.
I saw your blog entries on the Pachinese poet, Salvatore Di Pietro and I am wondering if I might be related to him. When I saw his photo on your website I was amazed at his resemblance to the men in my family. I am hoping that you might be able to help me find a possible family relationship to him. I can provide my Di Pietro family tree to you or anyone who may be able to help me.
My grandfather's name was Luigi. His father's name was Antonio. His father's name was Salvatore, his father's name was Antonio, his father's name was Simone, and his father's name was Gaspare Di Pietro. All were born in Pachino except my grandfather who was born in Tunis. Other names that appear on my family tree are Stornello, Fronterre, Santacroce, Chiaramida, Zuppardi, Raudino, Grech and Petrolito - All from Pachino going back to the 1700s. I have a detailed family tree on Ancestry.com that I could provide to someone who might be able to find a connection to the poet Salvatore.
I realize that this may be a lot to ask of you, and that you may not be able to help me, but I have to ask you for help because it will bother me until the day I die if I don't do it! When I was a teenager I was a poet and I still love to write. My Sicilian family was always very artistic and accomplished in reading and writing. Most of my close relatives have died including my mother, who passed away almost 10 years ago. She was a brilliant woman and an excellent writer, and would have been very proud to know that she was related to a famous Sicilian poet. As I have so few close relatives left (most of the family is in Canada and I am in the U.S.) it would mean a lot to me as well. I am in touch with one of my second cousins in Canada on the Di Pietro side and it would mean a lot to him as well.
Thank you, Mr. Bufardeci, for valuing the writing of a man who wrote in the Sicilian dialect. I listened to the reading of his poetry on Youtube that you held last October and it reminded me of when I was a child and my mother and grandmother would talk in that dialect in front of me. I never understood more than a few words of it, but it does remind me of my childhood to hear it.
And thank you for any help you may be able to give me, even if it is only to give me the name of a person to contact. I only wish I had the money right now to come to Pachino to meet you in person and do some more research on my family. Perhaps one day in the future I will be able to do that. Because of the bad economy here in the U.S. I am presently unemployed, so it will have to wait for a better time. I am 52 years old and live in Hartford, Connecticut. I am originally from New York City.
Thank you very much and have a very happy New Year's!
Yours sincerely,
Renée E. Mackey
Questa lettera mi è stata inviata da New Jork da parte di una discendente emigranti pachinesi che,grazie al mio Blog, ha saputo della nostra iniziativa che ha fatto conoscere il poeta pachinese Salvatore di Pietro che potrebbe essere un parente dei suoi antenati.
Se le nostre iniziative servono anche a questo ci fa veramente molto piacere e ne siamo gratificati.
Please forgive me for writing to you in English as I am an American and do not know Italian. I hope that you will be able to understand me or have my message translated. I found your blog online by accident while looking for relatives. My mother's family is Sicilian from Pachino. My grandfather's name was Luigi Di Pietro. His parents left Pachino in the late 19th century with their children. It was a very large family with many children. Most of them were born in Pachino but my grandfather was born in Tunis because the family spent a few years there before coming to the U.S. and Canada. I have done a lot of research on Ancestry.com and thanks to a contact with a friend in the government in Pachino, I was able to trace my Di Pietro genealogy back to the 1700s in Pachino.
I saw your blog entries on the Pachinese poet, Salvatore Di Pietro and I am wondering if I might be related to him. When I saw his photo on your website I was amazed at his resemblance to the men in my family. I am hoping that you might be able to help me find a possible family relationship to him. I can provide my Di Pietro family tree to you or anyone who may be able to help me.
My grandfather's name was Luigi. His father's name was Antonio. His father's name was Salvatore, his father's name was Antonio, his father's name was Simone, and his father's name was Gaspare Di Pietro. All were born in Pachino except my grandfather who was born in Tunis. Other names that appear on my family tree are Stornello, Fronterre, Santacroce, Chiaramida, Zuppardi, Raudino, Grech and Petrolito - All from Pachino going back to the 1700s. I have a detailed family tree on Ancestry.com that I could provide to someone who might be able to find a connection to the poet Salvatore.
I realize that this may be a lot to ask of you, and that you may not be able to help me, but I have to ask you for help because it will bother me until the day I die if I don't do it! When I was a teenager I was a poet and I still love to write. My Sicilian family was always very artistic and accomplished in reading and writing. Most of my close relatives have died including my mother, who passed away almost 10 years ago. She was a brilliant woman and an excellent writer, and would have been very proud to know that she was related to a famous Sicilian poet. As I have so few close relatives left (most of the family is in Canada and I am in the U.S.) it would mean a lot to me as well. I am in touch with one of my second cousins in Canada on the Di Pietro side and it would mean a lot to him as well.
Thank you, Mr. Bufardeci, for valuing the writing of a man who wrote in the Sicilian dialect. I listened to the reading of his poetry on Youtube that you held last October and it reminded me of when I was a child and my mother and grandmother would talk in that dialect in front of me. I never understood more than a few words of it, but it does remind me of my childhood to hear it.
And thank you for any help you may be able to give me, even if it is only to give me the name of a person to contact. I only wish I had the money right now to come to Pachino to meet you in person and do some more research on my family. Perhaps one day in the future I will be able to do that. Because of the bad economy here in the U.S. I am presently unemployed, so it will have to wait for a better time. I am 52 years old and live in Hartford, Connecticut. I am originally from New York City.
Thank you very much and have a very happy New Year's!
Yours sincerely,
Renée E. Mackey
Questa lettera mi è stata inviata da New Jork da parte di una discendente emigranti pachinesi che,grazie al mio Blog, ha saputo della nostra iniziativa che ha fatto conoscere il poeta pachinese Salvatore di Pietro che potrebbe essere un parente dei suoi antenati.
Se le nostre iniziative servono anche a questo ci fa veramente molto piacere e ne siamo gratificati.
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